Year End Breakfast & Awards

On Tuesday, May 23 our JPG founding freshmen, parents, faculty, staff and coaches gathered for our Year-End Breakfast to celebrate this historic first year at St. John Paul the Great.

We began with Mass in our gathering space where Fr. Sean Conroy emphasized looking back with gratitude on this first year and encouraged our freshmen to prepare their hearts to be virtuous leaders for our incoming freshmen class. Following Mass, we treated our families to breakfast and honored several students with our year-end awards. Congratulations to all of our students on accomplishing so much this first year, and congratulations in particular to the following students:

Academic Award: Giovanna Lucchino and Francisco Salazar
Virtue Award: Karol Daly and Blake Kummer
Athletic Award: Auni Abegg and Zach Hirsch
President's Award: Thomas Hunt

Congratulations also to the students elected to be our first Household Captains: Eliana Caudle, Auni Abegg, Karol Daly, Giovanna Lucchino, Joe Martin, Zach Hirsch, Blake Kummer and Francisco Salazar.


Veritas Speaker Series: Cande de Leon


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